EP Talks - Designing Innovative Learning Experiences


In our inaugural EP Talks event, “Designing Innovative Learning Experiences,” we explore the varying approaches and intricacies behind designing dynamic learning programs. Hosted by ExperiencePoint co-founder James Chisholm, this session features insights from our facilitators and partners across four talks:

“Sparking Design Sprints” by Lyall Samaroden, Innovation and Change Capability Builder at Bench Solutions 

“Designing Impactful Change Management Programs with Simulations at the Heart” by Laura Rojo, Global Educator, Adjunct Professor and Consultant 

“Spark the Context!” by Frank Miller, Director of Executive and Corporate Education at Ted Rogers School of Management 

“No Struggle, No Learning: How to Get People to Enjoy Suffering for Knowledge” by Jason Lewis, Facilitator and Consultant at Shift Facilitation 


About “EP Talks”

EP Talks is a new community engagement where ExperiencePoint facilitators, partners and associates come together to share their insights and network with one another. Unlike traditional webinars, EP Talks consist of short talks on best practices followed by breakout room discussions. This event promises a fun exchange of ideas and opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals. 

If you'd like to be a panelist for our future sessions, we'd love to hear from you! Please reach out to us at marketing@experiencepoint.com